Fandom: Inception ♠Come When You're Called, Arthur/Eames, NC-17, 4,313 words. Pavlovian orgasm response. My first inception fic, and the start of a beautiful, beautiful year. ♦Right as the
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Title: Esurience Fandom, Pairing: Inception, Arthur/Eames Word Count: 2,216 words. Rating: NC-17 Summary: In which Arthur and Eames are both gluttons of a sort. Note: Many, many, many thanks to
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Was going to save this until I had some more things to post, but I know myself, and I am lazy enough that it means I'll just keep putting it off and it'll never get done. So, a rec
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A meme, from dsudis (but in my case, taken from sometimesalways): Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!
So, the upside of all the stress and insanity last week that was the imminent threat of government shut-down, is that I ended up working extra to try and finish some projects in case I couldn't come in to the office this week. Obviously, I have been working all this week, which means that I found myself in possession of a little bit of comp time.
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Where I've hit a word-count percentage milestone so I offer you all drabbles to....bump up my wordcount some more? At any rate, tonight I hit 40% of my goal for the year, and tomorrow is April Fool's day. Neither of these things will probably have any impact on the drabble you get
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